The decomposition of a radioactive element is the simplest example of a true first order reaction. 放射性元素的衰变是真正一级反应最简单的实例。
Waterloo is a battle of the first order, won by a captain of the second. 滑铁卢是一场头等战争,却被一个次等的将领胜了去。
Your first order of business is to create a new buzz instance. 您的第一件事是创建一个新buzz实例。
So the problem, and it's first order. 所以这个问题,它是一级的。
It was proposed in this paper a novel damage identification method based on the first order mode shape slope. 提出了一种基于规则结构第一阶频率斜率模态的梁式结构损伤定位与程度识别方法。
We believe this first order will lead to considerable business in the future. 我们相信这首笔订货交将带来今后大量的业务。
A server immediately handed me my first order. 立即有一位服务员递交给我我的第一份订单。
Next, a low-pass first order filter is applied to stabilize the two types of fixed points. 然后应用一阶低通滤波器法分别研究了这两类不动点的控制问题。
I think the first order of business is to get you out of here. 我认为,当务之急首先是得把你撵出去。
We hope you will be pleased with our selections and that this, your first order, will lead to further business between us. 我们希望你会对我们的选择感到满意,希望你的第一笔订单将会带来我们之间更多的生意。
First order of business, need a urine test from you. 第一件正经事,要一分你的尿液做化验。
The statistical average values of some relevant operators satisfy a set of differential equations of the first order. 有关算符的统计平均值随时间的演化满足一个封闭的一阶线性微分方程组。
We'll send you a personal account number after you have placed your first order. 在您提交第一份订单时,我们会给您发送一个个人账号。
The only thing they have in common is that both are what's called a first order differential operator. 它们唯一共同之处就是,它们都被叫作一阶微分算子。
We discuss the first order linear differential equations with constant coefficients and give a new vector method of it. 讨论一阶常系数线性微分方程组通解问题,给出一种新的向量解法。
If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow. 此第一笔订单的执行情况如能令人满意,我方将会经常订购。
It's going to be basically a first order form. 它会大体上是一级反应形式。
His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order. 他的较早作品显露了一流的抒情天才。
Bill, you're an innovator of the first order, and you understand the importance of creating the environment and support that make it possible for people to do their very best. 比尔,你是第一个次序的一个改革者,而且你了解创造环境和为人们使它可能做他们的支持非常最好的重要。
Which was a reversible first order process which we have just solved. 它是可逆的一级反应过程,我们刚解决的。
He was a fraud of the first order! 他是天下第一大骗子!
Nigel helped me through my financial problems-he's a friend of the first order. 奈杰尔帮助我解决了资金问题――他最够朋友。
We study the unstable autoregressive process for the first order with infinite variance. 对具有无限方差的一阶自回归非平稳过程进行了研究。
It is shown that the common method of integrating factor of differential equation of first order is given. 为寻找一阶微分方程的积分因子提供了一个一般方法。
If this first order is satisfactorily executed, we shall place further orders with you. 如果首笔定单执行的很满意,我们将再次向你订购。
The characteristic of dynamic state was the first order inertia link, and get the time constant. 其动态特性为一阶惯性环节,并求得了时间常数。
This first order will bring volume case in future. 这首笔定货将带来今后的大量成交。
But, considering that this is your first order, a20 foot container would also be all right. 但考虑到你是第一次定,一个20尺货柜也可以。
We can reflect on our first order or base level experiences. 我们能反思基层的体验。
The first order hidden equation integral curve's intersection has been studied through the example. 通过例子对一阶隐式方程积分曲线之相交性进行了直观研究。